
Results for: Investing

There are a few different ways to try and get in touch with large institutional shareholders when they are looking to sell or pledge stock from their portfolio. One way is to reach out to them directly by email or phone. However, this can be difficult, as these types of investors may be difficult...


Hi. I am a former Officer of the regulatory body for capital markets within my country with more than a decade of experience in the field. As part of my job profile i have handled many instances of investor complaints such as yours. However in order to assist you further i require more specific d...


I built and sold an enterprise company to IBM. While the fundraising climate was very different then, here are the things you should look out for: As a general rule, if you're going to raise money, then you want to raise enough money that you can get the company to the next stage at which you'll...


The technical legal answer is unless your subscription agreement or convertible note allowed for some type of rescission right, a contract was formed when he executed the subscription doc that generally can't be unilaterally rescinded. From a business and relationship standpoint, you may want t...


Having just completed a top notch Accelerator program I can tell you that even in the great programs not every company survives. Accelerators and their coordinators are a good resource for entrepreneurs who may be in search of additional opportunities. That group of people varies greatly in ter...


I'm not trying to be a contrarian for the sake of being a contrarian, but can you afford to NOT do proper screening on VCs? If you're averaging $100K/month in revenue, then you'll be the pick of the litter, assuming your pro forma, etc., add up for the investors. A bad fit in an investor can hurt...


It depends completely on the legal documents you both signed related to his investment in the company. Those documents will either provide for "information rights" or not. If the documents don't stipulate to these kinds of rights, you are not obliged to show the investor anything.


Without knowing where in the world you are it's hard to name any specific institutions but here are some things I've learned over the years: 1. Don't do business banking virtually. By having a relationship with my local bank officer I was allowed to go over my line of credit limit by $5,000 for 1...


Hi, If you have a good pitch deck and a decent BMC (business model canvas), "all" you need to do is start sending it to investors. There are lots of free, online lists on the internet. The problem isn't finding them, it's making sure that you send the right pitch deck, the perfect emails/contact...


Hi I know you need start up funding and your best bet is to borrow capital or to partner with someone. While there are advantages is getting yourself out there real fast, there are still some pros and cons. I would suggest the following: a) Sit down and do a business plan or a projection for the ...


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