
Results for: Investing

Find the right investor interested in this area and the answer is yes. investors come from many walks of life and are interested in things just like everyone else. Find wealthy individuals who are open to investing and find your area of business interesting and ideally understand it and could hel...


You’re asking some great questions, and beyond the fact that there is no teacher as great as experience, it seems tragic how common this experience is, and making great investments is hard even for seasoned professionals. But it’s incredible how often the only two factors used to assess an invest...


One of my clients received $500k funding ONE week after we did our pitch coaching session. What they learned from our session is to be 100% focused and not to follow the "scatter gun approach" that they had for the 9 previous months. If you're looking to fund a startup, or even an existing busi...


Starting a new life in Japan involves several key steps: Visa: Secure a visa suitable for your purpose (work, study, or long-term stay). Language: Learn basic Japanese; it’s essential for daily life and work. Job: Find employment before moving, or shortly after arriving. Use job boards or recrui...


Hi - I work with investors on a daily basis. You need to be able to show value of your brand. Either push this through public relations, thought leadership and being authentic. I'd recommend testing all avenues to attract the attention of investors in your sector. Gaining trust is key. You can al...


If you have an idea of ​​creating a great online betting platform and are looking for software for your startup website, you can turn your attention to these products . This company is exclusively engaged in the development of software individually for each online cas...


It will depend upon your relationship with the investor. If the investor have trust upon you, then you may pitch anytime, however, if you don't know the investor for long, then you have to follow a process. You may setup a call to discuss more.


Yes, when you file your taxes you write off your investments as a loss. You wont be be taxed unless your business turns a profit.


2 thoughts (as I've invested in and been part if a few real estate development projects). 1 - ask around and try and find friends who know people in the industry and ask for an intro. Don't go in asking for money, ask for advice - it works way better. 2 - search on Clarity for people who live ...


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