
Results for: Investments

This is a typical problem with any start-up, i.e. intention to trade everything for equity. I am assuming that you're trying to trade equity for cash. In that case I would suggest you to look out for individuals with diversified skills and competencies. The reason being, less the number of indivi...


In my experience, angel investors bring money but little else. There are exceptions (super angels, etc.), but most angels expect you to run the business, have the ideas, turn them into something profitable and figure out how to make it all work. If your investor has specific expertise in your...


Team is more important than the startup itself. Investors prefer invest in the Jockey over the Horse. There may be n number of reasons for not getting through the funding rounds. If your startup is able to provide 10x return I can invest straight away. However, I will look at the team first and f...


Firstly be clear with what you are pitching exactly? If it service/ product , ask yourself why I need this service/ product? What is the pain area this service/prodcut can solved? Who are my competitors? How I am different from them? And last but not least how I can make money out of it? Answer...


Ask yourself: -Do you believe in their vision? -Would you leave everything you have to work with them to make their dream come true? -Do you have strong data that tell you that what they say will happen it's true? -Do you think the founders are the best to accomplish what they are going for? -Is...


Interesting, I spoke to a client at length the other day about this. 1. Firstly, there is 'perceived' value. 2. Secondly, there is actual value. It sounds like you are trying to build the latter. I also need to make a second inference here, you say we are 'trying' to close deals - so i'm going...


The fastest way would be: 1) Ask on Clarity! :) 2) 3) Contact the incubators and ask if they have a list they'd be willing to share. 4) Email entrepreneurs who recently raised and ask them for 2 names each. 5) Contact Series A/B investors and ask them who they'v...


Keep in mind that investors invest for returns. Telling a prospective investor that you want his or her money to grow your business but don't plan on ever generating a liquidation event that pays him or her a dividend is not likely going to work; angel or not. You may be better served with debt...


Hello. My experience showed me that it is definitely not easy to get money from a bank especially in the early stages. It really depends on what type of business you are starting. Banks would usually look for risk management in the form of assets you own in case the business doesn't progress as...


Let's be clear that there are two types of angel investors: Experienced angel investors (they have invested in 5+ startups) and people with money who *might* invest in you and your startup. Generally speaking, you should focus your time in getting meetings with experienced angel investors, ...


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