I can't get you there, since lead gen isn't a service I myself offer; but I can point you in the right direction. Much of my work involves looking at online search traffic patterns and putting myself in the shoes of various kinds of corporate clients / customer demographics. Brainstorming shoul...
Lead generation is very important - more importantly, being aware of what works best to keep a steady stream of leads coming in to the top of your sales funnel. There are a number of ways to ensure you have leads, but before you get there, it's important that you understand your customer. By crea...
The best lead gen is either paid or inbound. Paid: - Google Adwords - Facebook - Email Newsletters (Local) - Retargetting Inbound - Create videos on youtube for relevant search terms - Blog about the things your customers are searching for - Create interesting infographics relevant to your targ...
Find organizations that are already sponsoring or buying gamification for their online marketing, and approach them. If you make gaming apps, look at who is already promoting their products or services through similar means. You have a common issue here which is this: for most prospects, you'll...
Hello, My name is Erik and i'm a Call Center Expert and Senior Analyst Programmer with more than 15 years of experience. I've been working in the outbound sales of one of the biggest telecom company in Canada since 6 years. There's many different options you could use depending of your market...
You can hire amazing research talent on Upwork. Before that though, you'll have to work out what your hypothesis is, what are you trying to prove? Given what you've shared, I'd guess that you're looking for recurring income. The easiest to start might be the goal setting program if it were trul...
I would highly recommend connecting with someone who has experience here to shorten your learning curve if this is not what you do. For our agency, we spent a lot of time & money outlining and creating the infrastructure which now is mainly on autopilot for our outbound strategy. For example, w...
That's sales! ahah! I can't count the amount of times I have thought someone was a perfect fit to move forward to learn they are just tire kickers... and some that seemed to be a long shot that closed. If it is not happening frequently then you can stack it up as a anomaly - however that never...
A tool we love to use is Adespresso (Adespresso.com). There you can easily create Facebook ads in a much more intuitive way than you would in Facebook's own power editor. Adespresso also automatically creates A/B tests for you, letting you ad a ton of images, headlines and text and creating mul...
You could start with my APELA framework. Awareness: The first consideration is the size of your target audience. If your product or service is only relevant to a small number of people, it will be more effective to reach them directly by LinkedIn or email. If on the other hand, they are numero...