
Results for: MVP

Hi The concept is more or less as I explained in my answer here (on Clarity): After you schedule a call, you can send me the specific details of the venture (who are the service providers, what type of students, your business model, ...


Using Google Places API and storing the results in your own database likely violates the terms of service. Likewise, you are limited to the number of calls per day to the API. If you expect users to appreciate (and pay for) the software you are generating, you should do likewise. Go with the l...


This is an awesome question! As a fellow entrepreneur and strategist I can tell you that this is way more common than you may expect. I think social media and public figures like Gary V and the like have built sense of quick scalability by simply getting going and that is simply not the case. In ...


A co-founder is a long-term relationships that should be built on trust, and passion, and time... time to fight, time to recover, time to build rapport. Ultimately, your co-founder shouldn't be based on *any* specific idea, because the two (or three?) of you could work on anything you are all pas...


The only way that I can think of is to get a legal adviser on the management/board team and give them an equity stake in the company. Long-term, it's likely to cost you more in real terms though.


It is a very good idea to have a consultation marketplace for finance experts. The customers will be able to ask questions and if they find suitable answers they can get on a call with the experts. Since you have already found answers to the questions below: - What is the problem? - Who are you...


The best way to build an MVP for any SaaS product is to create a landing page that looks like a real product. Here's an example of one I built. In this case, it advertises the primary features of the product and invites people to sign-up. When they do, they are asked f...


Ad words is not marketing. It is just the beginning.. Web marketing includes SEO, SMM, ads, facebook marketing, twitter marketing, youtube, limkedin..etc. besides, it is more important to get engaged to people. Interaction in blogs, forums , discussions.. You may also think of having sales peo...


It really all depends on - if your putting in any money - How much your salary will be (market rate or lower)? - existing investors - if they're revenue generating - how long the companies be around Essentially it's the risk profile of the company that you're coming into. If it's an idea and yo...


"Right action, right time" Eric Ries The key is to invest in the parts of the product that need that attention. In the early parts of a startup (MVP) then it's all about building something to put in front of users. As that scales, then you can spend some time paying down the technical debt by ...


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