Interesting, but very loaded, question. It depends on the industry segments, location of your business and the reach you want to have, as well as your budget. I have organized trade shows all over the world and in over 65 industries. So look at industry, location, country/city, attendee profile...
Hello, My name is Erik and i'm a Call Center Expert and Senior Analyst Programmer with more than 15 years of experience. I've been working in the outbound sales of one of the biggest telecom company in Canada since 6 years. There's many different options you could use depending of your market...
I would highly recommend connecting with someone who has experience here to shorten your learning curve if this is not what you do. For our agency, we spent a lot of time & money outlining and creating the infrastructure which now is mainly on autopilot for our outbound strategy. For example, w...
I regularly help franchisees in this industry. Send me a message with some of your questions and I'll let you know if I can help in a call. Cheers David
I'll give you the answers that have worked for me, though I wouldn't say you "should" do this. This is where I found the best mix doing similar work. 1 - I would at the very least start with freelancers. There are a lot of great, talented people out there and this is the best way to meet people ...
I recommend targeting the brand owners/marketing departments directly. You then can likely find out the decision makers and can make your pitch directly to them. I have found this easier than going through ad agencies.
The suggestion by James is great. Here is another good option that you can look into: Great foundation for the basics of marketing.
Let me start by giving you some real data for our agency. When we started blogging we had about 1,000 visitors a month to our website. Today we have 13,000 a month. We currently have almost 700 subscribers to our blog and we blog almost every single day. The result is almost 250 new leads a month...
I'd recommend doing it yourself using techniques commonly referred to as 'growth hacking'. There are a lot of resources on the web to learn, but here is a very thorough and cheap intro: (Sometim...
Who do you have the better relationship with? If you know the marketing director, then by all means go for it directly. If you go through the agency, just make sure they have buy in and will be a champion of the idea. If not, then they may not be able to push it through anyway.