You absolutely do not need to work at an agency before starting one of your own! I have never worked in the industry at all before and just started offering digital marketing to companies a few months ago and already have 9 clients - literally starting from nothing. You don't even need to know ...
Hi there. Have managed thousands of attorney online programs, I'll see if I can provide any suggestions. However, it usually depends on what type of practice you have. Commercial litigation might have a much different strategy than personal injury, for example. Let us know and I'll come back ...
Advertising is one of the ways to get traction, but for most brands it takes over 6 months (or a year) to build any income at all. It's a good way to promote local stores or coffee shops, and cheaper products, but the cost per click is high for online products and the initial investment is signif...
BuiltWith is awesome, but not for this. It only shows you what sites are built with the tech, and often Magento / Drupal developers have websites for themselves that are on simpler platforms (for example, a Magento developer isn't selling products so they don't need an ecommerce platform like Ma...
Hi Roger, You can set the process for running Facebook campaigns for many clients. There are few tools available which can be helpful to auto schedule your campaigns.
The freelancer is on the right track, and they should stick with their own stuff.
My very first job out of college (a loooooooong time ago). Was working in a boutique marketing and public relations firm. They hired me to do just that, get new clients and develop the business so that we were the agency of record or on "retainers". It's funny how many firms don't want an in h...
Remember when you start a business or are an established business you have to decide who is your perfect customer, since not all potential customers are equal, and not all potential customers are profitable. It is likely that the type of customer who is purely price orientated like those on Elanc...
Hi... :) There are many ways in which you can generate leads, from Passive Marketing Tactics such as: Direct Mail, Advertisements, Industry Directories, Yellow Pages (in some places they are still working), TV, Newspaper, or you can try one on one with the prospect (Active Marketing Tactics) suc...
Consider instead where a $2500 price point puts you. I use a selling technique called Monetizing The Problem, and in that process I get the prospect to calculate the size of their problem. Then I charge 5-10% of that figure. There's never any resistance, because they see where the number comes f...