I am not sure of the specifics you're asking, it seems like a lot of technical data. This might help in your search for these statistics though: http://jobsearch.about.com/od/networking/a/linkedin.htm http://www.forbes.com/sites/nextavenue/2014/01/21/how-linkedin-is-thwarting-your-job-search/ htt...
The art of the "cold pitch" is definitely something that needs to be worked on, and doesn't come naturally to everyone. A couple of quick tips: 1. 4 is not a big enough target group, you've got to cast a bigger net. Try pitching 20, and aim to get 3-5 responses. 2. When sending a cold email, ...
The real question should be what type of life do you want to live? Each individual you mentioned will have different expectations for paying for a service. That will reflect on the type of life you personally want to live. So first, start thinking about your life and how you want to live, what ty...
Not clear on the type of software you’re looking to get this info on but go here and it’s likely going to have data you want and i think you can also pull reports / lists for a fee. Lmk if this works. Enjoy! https://builtwith.com/
There's no set right answer. The more people the better the data. Traditionally most sample sizes are 100 people but think about it like this. Which has more power? 90% of 100 or 90% of 1000 all vote in your favor. Which would you pick? My recommendation would be use a sample of at least 10...
The easiest method is employee groups on Facebook (and sometimes LinkedIn). You'll be able to comment on company pages, for example here: https://www.linkedin.com/company/starbucks - but you'll have a bigger response on Facebook, for example here: https://www.facebook.com/starbuckspartners If y...
Hey there, I'm going to give you my low cost/ no cost approach. (Large firms have tools and research teams, I do not!) (1) First I'd break down - into a list - all the aspects that make up a demographic target or avatar (e.g. age, race, ethnicity, gender (e.g. male, female, non-binary, geographic...
Ah, Tinder for introverts? I have used SurveyMonkey before and I am using it now to test an online/on demand PR course that I am filming. Yes, it is a great idea to test with SurveyMonkey and it is a very easy site to use. You can add the link to your survey on all social media and in an email. I...
Have a look at similarweb.com Put your competitor's websites in there.
Even if your competitor continuously capitalizes on your ideas, by imitating your product features, etc., and even if he grows exponentially faster than you, it shouldn't intimidate you. Similar product, less money, whatever else, doesn't matter. Get awesomely creative with your marketing. Focus...