As you already found out, there is no direct way of finding download numbers for a specific app. Some companies disclose such information when milestones are reached or within interviews and blog posts. Did you try searching?. If you're just interested in how competitive a category is, for ASO ...
To answer your questions: 1) Mobile companies at your stage usually raise angel funding at a valuation equivalent of $5,000,000 for US based companies and $4,000,000 to $4,500,000 for Canadian companies. 2) The valuation is a function of how much you raise against that valuation. For instance, s...
The easiest way to promote on a shoestring budget is guest posts. Write about the problem your app solves on sites where your target customers will read them. Make sure you've got a strong marketing funnel for the people who click through your articles — if you're not capturing leads properly (...
Hi, have you considered this open source ad server? It derives from one of the biggest ad servers, that used to be Open Source but continued commercial. This system allows different publishers, sites, statistical insights and more.
The viral strategy needs to be a natural extension to the app that requires SMS - not sure you want to just use it for the sake of it being viral (seems forced). A perfect example of this is the Twist app. The app tells someone you are meeting with when you will arrive. When you set up a twist ...
I can guide how sell all , and share with you my the sites i use and even connect you with some investor who buy from me app and maybe intersting in yours.
Technically. Zero. Is just an image source change. If you're hiring someone then whatever they charge per hour x 1 hour lol. Good luck
Number of clicks, time among each and most importantly offers to opt in. I find people delete apps easily and if you connect through email / other channels faster w/ offers you have the ability to stay in front of the user.
Yes. Who I would recommend would depend on what you'd like to see happen. Are you building only for iOS, or only for Android, or both? Will you have a bunch of content/stuff in your app or just a little? Are you thinking game or non-game app? Do you already have a big fanbase or would you be tryi...