I have found CrossComm in Durham, NC to be among the best. Sean, their tech lead, really helped us at Reveal Mobile. They are reasonably priced with an impressive client roster (Duke, LG, T-Mobile, etc...). See http://www.crosscomm.net/ and just give them a call at 919-667-9432.
I would look into Stripe they seem to be leading the way in developer tools / APIs for payment services.
You are right that the range is wide. You need to figure what are good values to have for your category. Also, you can focus on the trend (is your DAU/MAU increasing vs decreasing after you make changes) even if benchmarking is tough. Unless your app is adding a huge number of users every day (w...
Here are the main alternatives to AdMob divided into tiers based on scale: Tier one: a) MoPub b) Amazon Publisher Services c) Facebook Audience Network Tier two: a) Verizon b) Smaato c) Fyber d) MobFox e) InMobi f) AdColony g) Rubicon h) AppNexus i) Pubmatic j) OpenX k) Chartboost l) Unity Ads m)...
Hi. Parse should do the job ( https://www.parse.com ). We've successfully used them at Vuzum across many native and hybrid apps on both iOS and Android.
Hard to give specific advice without knowing what the app is. If you’re interested in going down the sales route I can assist as I have sold several apps and developed 100s for clients. On the revenue side, I am assuming your already tried a freemium model with in app purchase as well as ad supp...
RFP is the first step towards your contact initiation and strategic partnership. Indivisual freelancers generally do not understand the the RFP, RFI and proposal lifecycles. It is a very assessment tool that you can leverage to find the right partner (or vendor or outsourcing company) for your fu...
If you're asking about how to *start* spreading the word, my fear for you is that you haven't done sufficient customer development to validate the need for your app and inform your core product thesis. Failure to do so will almost always end-up in product failure. If this is the case, you might...
Hi, Apple cleary states the guidelines on what you can and what you can't sell on appStore from this guide: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/StoreKitGuide/Chapters/Products.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008267-CH2-SW2 IAPP basically applies to c...
Hi Valentin, Have you considered splitting the research phase and the development phase? You can quote a fixed amount for the research phase (I'm sure you can estimate this in weeks and take the hit if you go over). You can say to the client that you will quote the development once the research ...