First things first. I must appreciate that the website has good content. You should ask yourself the purpose of creating this website. Information is now available all over the place. Right from individual portals to the Feedly, Mashable, Newsify and Pockets of the world. How do you want to dif...
To answer your question directly, the best way to figure our the optimal revenue model is by doing exactly what you're doing right now: evaluate the trends, challenges in the market and calculate how much it costs to build your user base relative to the revenue (potential) they bring in. Commonl...
I think my question would be have you looked back into the strategy of physical rewards for health motivation? Rather than recommend services offering gym discounts, health supplement discounts etc. I'd rather go back into the reasons why you want to offer rewards in the first place. From most i...
Short answer - yes, it is possible. To avoid that you may need to think about the barriers that make this scenario less likely: 1. Frame your solution such a way that it will be easier and more profitable to cooperate with you than copy 2. Select for begin small enough niche, so they don't bothe...
Your strategy should encompass at least four components: (A) Complete Visual/verbal/social/technical audit to find/create needed assets for transition: know which assets need to be retired or replaced and what transitional assets are needed to bridge the gap. Prioritize: not everything always n...
Better than choose an architecture and try to build the server side of your app, I suggest you to try to find a mate that helps you and was your cofounder. Just you will probably fail in building the app and keeping it working fine in the near future. One-founder teams are very risky for accelera...
It depends on the economics of your revenue model but as a general rule, $3.00 is the high point and $1.00 - $1.50 is the target range.
The quick and honest answer is - you don't. In games, as in many places in the software industry, ideas are worth nothing, only the implementation counts. In addition, ideas tend to evolve during development and the design you end up implementing in the final game is quite often very different f...
There's a lot of marketplaces where you could promote the app to avid travelers. I work mostly in the travel space, and building an audience is always the hardest part, especially since there's so much competition. You have two great options, and the first I'd say is to create a press release. ...
From your google play page it's currently hard to understand how your app works. It seems that users upload photos of their clothes,... and then what. It's not clear at all that it does what you say it does in the description (i.e. tell you how to combine the clothes you have well). Does the app ...