Regardless of the industry/website type, use a service like to get some qualitative feedback. It often reveals some of the technical or user experience issues that you can become blind to having worked on the site for so long. On the day of launch, put some kind of prominent bann...
This is a little hard to answer because it is so vague. It depends on the area, the market and the strength of innovation. I know that The App Guy has a terrific podcast at and is also trying to organize a community for App developers to sell their ideas. Let me know if I...
Great question - so, there are a myriad of ways you can look to monetize apps, but there are really three directly available ways, and a few indirect. Direct revenue generation for your app could include paid (i.e. download cost), in-app purchases (which can include a recurring subscription) a...
Hi. This one is easy to answer, but hard to solve. If you want to have live content in a mobile app that is updated over the Internet (ex: via the cloud), then you can *only* house that content on servers INSIDE China. I have a lot of experience trying to support everything from mobile games to ...
These apps are as good as the overall functionality that you require. Goodbarber is probably the better choice overall amongst the two. Goodbarber has more options when it comes to making design changes and also has many different templates you can choose from. Appypie well sucks. The interface f...
Before hiring someone you would do yourself a big favor by running through some early low-fidelity prototyping. Start by sketching it out on stickynotes, get the flow down and get into the experience. You can move to a high-fidelity clickable prototype after a few iterations, possibly hiring a gr...
You need to consult a Lawyer before you go live. The thinking you are using did not work for Napster, Napster argued that they were not in control of how the users shared the content, they were just a vehicle to share it on. They lost in court, so that might be one precedent someone uses to su...
Niche down! Find a way to appeal to a certain demographic. You can't compete with Messenger or Whatsapp when it comes to their reach. But you can compete on features or how you position your product. Add features to your product that the bigger products don't have. it could be something lik...
Having just completed a top notch Accelerator program I can tell you that even in the great programs not every company survives. Accelerators and their coordinators are a good resource for entrepreneurs who may be in search of additional opportunities. That group of people varies greatly in ter...