
Results for: Mobile applications

PayTrust or PayPal provide payment systems + enough documentation to use for taxes + reporting. Also, they both just work... all the time...


You should try to engage people using social networks, it is easier to spread than email. The conversion rate on emails are low but is still a valid tool for that. Send and email with a simple and objective message that will make people want to try. The best way to have feedback from users is to...


HI! Sounds like you have a lot of work ahead of you. I would say write it in the language you are most familiar with. If you feel comfortable in Java, then it's a great choice. NodeJS is also a very popular choice for API servers, and Python has two great, slim tools in Flask and Eve: http://fla...


Hello I am an affiliate marketer and software developer and I recommend you call me because I know a never heard before free platform you can use to create your web app.


The quickest way is to hire a private teacher to work with you hands-on. That's also a little spendy. If you're good at self-motivation, there are thousands of tutorials on various app-building techniques that you can walk through. They exist as articles, videos, interactive projects — there ar...


Great at the age of 22. Your concepts is really nice and extraordinary, it might you face a lot of compositors already but still you do your revolution your way. --------------------------- About value of startup. If your are calculating your startup >> Investment is the 1st part + Estimated yr...


A pre-launch raise is really hard but not impossible. I raised a seed round for a mobile app that hasn't launched but it was quite honestly incredibly difficult and I wouldn't recommend others trying it! I answered a question about when is best to raise under what circumstances here: https://...


There is NO simple answer for this. Is the app a game? Is it a utility? Is it a social app? All apps have different advertising/launch strategies. On a broad level, Facebook's in-stream mobile app ads have proven to be very effective for conversions so I would probably start there. The key is to ...


You won't find anyone worth adding to your team willing to work for equity only, no matter how compelling your product and business is. The realities of the talent market for mobile developers anywhere is such that a developer would be foolish to work only for equity unless they are a cofounder ...


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