
Results for: Name Development

neither. Your name is too broad and has no catch. Try writing a user profile. who she or he is, what are they doing in the morning? where do they live? are they married? financial status... type of hurdle, what are they seeking? what's most valuable to them - advice or step by step... based on qu...


I'm not a .COM purist. In fact I own quite a few .ME domains and have sold half a dozen of them or so. However, building a business or brand on a non-.COM extension like .ME requires some additional analysis. It's impossible to advise you on which name / domain to choose in the absence of the ...


Yes. Hopefully you already own these domain names before publishing them like this but here's my 2 cents: is pretty solid out of those options. All things being equal a .com is going to give you the edge in terms of credibility and many would argue SEO. it does give you some mino...


This is indeed a tricky challenge, and you've articulated it well. However, without knowing the missing element ("brand name" / "mother name"), it's hard for me to give you specific guidance. Does the brand name itself suggest health and wellness (as, for example, "Hygieia Wellness" might), or ...


It's my opinion that establishing a clear personal brand position and strengthening it in the marketplace is an asset to your employer and yourself. As long as it's not distracting you from delivering on your KPIs, and creating greater positive awareness of your relationship to the business and ...


Hi there, Two things come to mind: 1) Go to the networks directly and ask them about their fill rates, historically, in your target countries. 2) Once you've identified 3 that seem pretty good, ask your programmer to implement an ad cascade. S/he can probably handle this with a .plist file if you...


You should make the name that the donor sees on their credit card match the brand name as close as possible. Structurally though, your npo should be collecting the money directly. Having built Canada's first - and at the time it was operational - largest crowdfunding platform for charities, I'd...


If you like it, go for it. Blogging takes a lot of energy and commitment, so go with a name that resonates with you first and foremost - you want it to be a place you really enjoy writing. That said, it can be helpful to 'brand' something in a way that's easy to remember - easy to spell, easy to ...


Is hard to tell just like that. You can do some research online. Look up what searchers are currently entering into their queries, what does google give as possible search options... Do people search more as a conversation word1 and word2 ? Or without the and? For online sharing purposes you mi...


Your strategy should encompass at least four components: (A) Complete Visual/verbal/social/technical audit to find/create needed assets for transition: know which assets need to be retired or replaced and what transitional assets are needed to bridge the gap. Prioritize: not everything always n...


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