
Results for: New Business Development

To determine market size, you will need to look at potential customer data or revenue/transactions each year. You will need to: 1. Define your target customer and audience 2. Estimate audience size and target customers 3. Determine growth rate if possible taking into account organic and churn 4....


Try they have real chat agents that work on multiple sites at once, so you can have them manage your chat from about $2/hr (per website, not per person) - or if you want something automated try (free) There's also


This is a very common question, and the short answer is - work hard and don't listen to your naysayers nor your lizard brain. Starting a business doesn't require any capital, but often times many entrepreneurs aren't skillful enough to couple swagger + brute determination + insight. You have to ...


I would use Magento, you can host it and use any payment gateway to setup the payments and a shipping system to create efficient logistics. Let me know if you need help creating the store.


I think my advice here ( also applies to this question. To create a brand story, focus less on the brand and more on the story of your ideal customer. What do they struggle with? What problem are they...


I understand your doubts. I had them too until I learned a little of how it works and then I saw several real opportunities for Bitcoin to be used. I wrote a post on it with one example that can maybe help you understand:


I think the closest analogy would be - the same way you're flirting with a girl. Like, if you know she's really interested you call the next day. If she's not then you "play hard to get" and wait the standard 3 days. You have to look at their indicators of interest, whether there's a specific ti...


There are various templates that you can find using a Google search. However, it is sometimes difficult for a founder with limited experience writing business plans to write a plan that is clear to outsiders - the founder is often too deep in the weeds. The first thing you need to do is be clea...


Hi This is a classic market place SaaS (Software as a Service) and the classic answer for getting both sides is quality content, quality marketing, and word of mouth (which you'll get once you provide quality service). The key issue, BEFORE you think about how to get them to your platform is to ...


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