
Results for: Non-profits

I agree with Mark in that it truly depends what you’re trying to accomplish. Is this a business that you plan on keeping for yourself and/or family, or is there a different exit strategy in place such as selling the brand, an IPO, or being acquired by another company. When it comes to busines...


Hello! Thank you for asking. My name is Humberto Valle, I'm an MBA strategist with years of successful experiences. I'm the guy new business owners call when they don't know what to do for growth. First off, without any further information I think that the net worth of the founder is irrelevant ...


Donations of in-kind services generally cannot be deducted. Donations of in-kind items (clothes, food, computers, etc.) are deductible. But the amount of the deduction is basically up to the donor; they declare the market value of the items. This is obviously very subjective, but there are some ...


Hi, I used to manage a non-profit organization - the process is challenging but it is possible. I'd be happy to advise. First stop: try get a Google Grant for Google Adwords - it will help you a lot to promote your business. Good luck


The best way to find board members is to find people in your industry (or market) that show signs of being someone who would enjoy being on your board. These are typically people who 1) Are on other boards similar to the kind of organization you're starting 2) Are part of organizations that giv...


I would suggest the first question to ask is "what problem do I solve?" And of those people I solve problems for "who do I create the most value for?" In the non-profit world you need to add "How does my business help the non-profit run better and/or help the group the non-profit focuses on?" Fo...


You would have to apply for non profit status, which means you would have to incorporate as one of the 29 different 501c classifications. Since I don't know of the details of your business model I would not be able to say for certain, but it is contingent on your company fitting the description o...


For background, I'm an active board member for two charities, am a past board member of CIRA (which runs the .CA domain) and am a graduate non-profit governance essentials course from the Institute of Corporate Directors. I also built Canada's first crowdfunding website that distributed over $3m...


Family & friends. This is where all begins. If they don't trust and believe in you it will be difficult for others to follow.


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