
Results for: Online Retail

If you have international customers who speak other languages, response is lower when you speak to them in English. Solutions like Trustpilot handle that. Have implemented them plus some other methods for international customers in various countries, would be good to know a bit more about your sp...


One of your big opportunities is positioning yourself in the B2B rather than B2C space. I've consulted for a bow tie e-commerce retailer and one thing I know from that is just how competitive the B2C space is for men's accessories when looking at SEO/SEM etc. as a promotional method. One major o...


Suppose you're a customer buying from yourself. Why? What reasons do you find persuasive? If identical products can be purchased for a fraction of a price elsewhere ... and that "elsewhere" is more visible than you, then you'll have a difficult time. If, on the other hand, your offering is un...


Hi there! This is a great question - I actually started an apparel company that sells through Etsy about a year ago. We looked in to quite a few different fulfillment options, and, because of that, I've developed a really extensive list of resources and companies to do this. The answer to this re...


That depends on how differentiated you are from existing products and if having your product next to a dozen competitors on a shelf will help sell it. Do customers need to touch it to see why it's different/better? If not, brick-and-mortar might not be necessary, at least initially. Warby Parke...


The partnership is not likely to pan out well for either of you. Sustainable partnerships need shared visions and goals for both parties, otherwise you are in it for material reasons that can easily dissipate with any sign of trouble. Although it can be much easier and cheaper to partner while ...


This is what you're after - does exactly what you want


Membership sites are a pain in the ass. Let me start there. I've had dozens of clients start membership sites, and the only ones who've kept it alive had huge audiences to begin with. The problem is that a membership site has two things to offer: exclusive information and community. Exclusi...


First of all, starting a business on revenue generated from affiliate sales or incidental revenue is going to be minor and not enough to scale much less build a business. Unless you're a "solo-preneur" you'll need some additional form of revenue if you intend to add to the software-as-service web...


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