Dakno Marketing...I was a very successful Realtor in Phoenix for 15 years and I was on the 1st page of Google for a lot of Luxury Home cities in the area. Dakno seems to understand the entire process better than anyone and they have been focused on it for probably all the years I was n business w...
1.Yes first you ought to secure permit within and without the boarders 2.Search people with proven_track records in Auditing and Inspection with 5 and 10 minimum and maximum experience respectively 3.Also check your competitors around and double up your work strategies . call me for more strategi...
From my experience it's better to setup the IP company as a completely separate entity. There can then be a contractual relationship between the OP company and the IP company. This will assist in protecting the IP in the case of any legal action against the OP company. For instance, if the OP co...
Yes, exactly what Twilio is capable of. If you need it for just your business, this can be done using simple scripts. Routing is actually the easy part. Voicemails are a bit more involved but they have you covered: https://www.twilio.com/docs/howto/voicemail
To help you with this, look at the offers on Box's website. There would be a sales support team for general questions and getting quotes and is basically the online sales. However, based on my experience, the biggest sales activity is probably focused on Business for the integration of Box with...
Setting up a proper accounting system should be your #1 priority. There are many services such as Webgility that will sync your inventory with Quickbooks, Xero, etc and all of your sales channels (ebay, ecommerce, etsy, etc).
Hi there, I have 6+ years of experience selling enterprise software and one of the products I sold at Oracle included their SaaS LMS application as part of the whole HCM suite. Your question about comp definitely depends on the industry, location of the individual, experience level, average dea...
I am not a software development or technology expert, nor have I managed this type of a company. However, I am an efficiency and cost control expert and will address some of your concerns. It is normal that young companies in all fields will encounter efficiency problems after a prolonged time o...
This is a great question. One of my associates works for a software company that is deploying an "in-house" solution for a major cement provider. The client had previously been working with commercial solution but quickly determined that a customized solution was more appropriate for their needs....