Depending upon what aspect of AdWords you want to automate, you can look at various tools. As Megumi suggested, Marin is a good option for bid management. You can have a look at Optmyzr ( to automate account management activities. Cyfe is another option to automate reporting and build...
#1 Go to LinkedIn. Find a bunch of group owners / managers for LinkedIn groups that are large and relevant. Talk to them. #2 Next identify important bloggers. Websites with high Alexa rankings, perhaps, and which cover entrepreneurship. Ask them about dropping a mention with a link. Also as...
Authorize is my choice. Don't use them directly-- set up your own UI. Though, from a "millionaire" point of view you shouldn't be accepting CC for medium/large marketing jobs to begin with. Any firm with authority should be able to have a "check, money order, or transfer" policy. There are too m...
1. Get your funnel(s) down pat and automated. If all you're doing is sending a broadcast email to your list every few days, you're missing out. 2. Pay for targeted traffic. The List is the #1 factor in sales conversion: you can have mediocre copy, but if your list is spot on, you'll make sales. ...
Well, the most basic answer is that you could look for certifications. However, that only takes you so far. Any PPC professional worth his/her salt also has experience with PPC management software (Kenshoo, Marin, Acquisio), etc. Ask what experience they have and what they like dislike. I hav...
From what I understand, you are trying to help an SEO agency sell to other agencies that themselves sell to dental/medical companies? It's tricky without knowing more details, since this question keeps coming to mind: Why is the SEO agency interested in white-labelling their services to agencies...
The same way companies grew before there was the Internet — boots on the ground, people-to-people networking, outbound sales outreach and time.
20-100k/day depending on their size - it's a big investment. Why don't we hop on a call to discuss further and next steps to help you target them?
If I were you I try the following (assuming you know which stores you want): 1. Play dumb and call their support number and when they answer tell them that you dont know why you were routed there when you wanted to talk to the marketing department. 2. Create an email blast to either info@thest...
Probably the training from Google for the Google Partners Exam heres a link to more information: