
Results for: PaaS

Anyone who tells you that the branding and design isn't important is smoking meth. Your brand is one of THE MOST IMPORTANT things related to your company and product. It is the firs thing someone sees and it is your FIRST impression. Because of that, your prospects will make a slew of initial j...


"...may not see the value of our platform yet or that they already have an existing older system." This is where you want to focus your energies. Why don't they see the value of what you're offering? What roadblocks exist here and how can you remove them? Have you spoken with existing clients t...


I don't know about 100, but my very first three clients came through thought leadership articles. I believe that referrals and SEO kicked in after that for a good mix of sources.


Hi, I have many assistants in Eastearn Europe and Philippines. We pay using Skrill, to get around paypal. I think Moneybookers also works in Bangladesh


Great question! Each expert sets their own rate. When a client books a call, they enter the estimated length of call (generally around 30 minutes) and know the estimated amount they will be billed. Once the call is over, Clarity calculates the actual length of call in minutes, multiplied by the ...


Hi! First of all I recommend to make a pitch deck for yourself that completely describes your product, user needs, market and theirs validation and lay down money after you will be confident with that document on proof of concept (it will cost you much less then creating MVP). I'd be happy to ta...


I think you're not fully embracing the lean startup methodology. Is your SaaS handling some operations that are a matter of life and death or critical mission thing for an organization? if the answer is No start with simplest option and do a soft launch and invite some carefully selected (50) ...


I'm unclear about your requirement for "industrial". But i can offer Nimbus Portal Technologies as a success - they offer document management and secure team/client communications in the cloud. They are the dominant supplier in AU/NZ mainly because they integrate with...


SaaS is the way everyone seems to be going these days, as it is a huge revenue producer for software vendors. Why make $50 once when you can instead milk someone for $10/month for life? As a holder of multiple desktop licenses for products like Quickbooks, Photoshop, etc I can say that I HATE w...


There are several options available which would work for SaaS. The best one I can suggest is Referral Program. The referral program would need to have Training Documentation well defined as well as marketing material. This would allow you to pay other consultants or individuals to pipe leads or ...


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