
Results for: Platforms

Start by calling SEO resellers. Ask them if they experience any challenges sharing reports with their clients. If they do, dig into what the problems are. Does your solution meet what they need? If so, tell them you are creating a solution they'd like and ask them if they want to buy it. Then you...


What a great question / thanks for asking. Here's how some of the top experts are getting more calls. 1. Link Clarity on Social Profiles ( <- click to get your link) - Obvious: Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Facebook - Others: Email Signature, Blog Widget


You seem to have a broad market focus. Narrow down your initial most suceptible group & early adopters. Once you have a target market, you can develop a series of objectives measures in days and social platforms for your 1 or 2 initial target markets. Once you have a series of objectives(goals) y...


Yes, you can. However, the success is highly depended on the information architecture. You need to plan in creating and arranging the categories & subcategories in such a way that it gives the best user experience. You can also cloud powered instant search tools like Algolia to make the product f...


You can try to sell to companies in the space, or angel investors looking to add an asset to an existing startup. If you have data that shows your platform works then it will go well. If not it's still possible, just a bit harder... let me know if you want to chat in more detail about it


From what I have heard from some successful crowd fund raisers. You are better to spend time getting yourself organized before you start your campaign. Make sure you have a least a team of four people and ensure that everyone knows there role and the tasks that they are responsible for.


Luckily, municipalities, community groups, and chambers of commerce are all very visible, easily located targets. The businesses who also want to sponsor a deployment are harder to target, so I'll set them aside for this discussion. Chambers of Commerce can be approached individually, but there...


Hi The concept is more or less as I explained in my answer here (on Clarity): After you schedule a call, you can send me the specific details of the venture (who are the service providers, what type of students, your business model, ...


I would go for AWS personally as they have a lot of resource and support including practical documentation and example for LorWAN & ML. You can start by looking at this quite comprehensive blog I would also recomm...


Hello I am an affiliate marketer and software developer and I recommend you call me because I know a never heard before free platform you can use to create your web app.


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