I've heard of people having some success with https://www.cofounderslab.com/ but overall you just have to get serious about networking at technical Meetups, etc. It really depends on your geographic location. In some cities this is easier than in others. I have cofounders in different states, so ...
There are merits to both options, but unless your economics dictate one over the other, the choice should be made by your consumers. I would suggest that you use landing pages to test both pricing models and let the relative click-through-rates tell you which is the right way to go. Validate th...
Depending on what you need, you'll probably want to look at actual agencies. A single freelancer is unlikely to have the complete spectrum of skills you'll need, and unless you're looking to hire someone full-time, you'll probably have trouble retaining a single freelancer for a long period of ti...
You mention, that you can code and maintain yourself, and at the same time it sounds like your data can be dispersed across multiple sources. And you want to minimise license cost. In my business we use R a lot for both analysis and reporting. It is free (open source), but you will have to build...
I am assume you're talking about equity crowdfunding. There are several sites available now for accredited investors, which would be looking for a higher return than you are probably expecting. After May 16th this type of investing will become available to the general public. The SEC just opene...
To validate your idea you need to show interest from potential students. To do that you need to show them something to be interested in. However, a teacher isn't going to go out of their way to create content for a site with no students waiting. To get around this issue, I would start off by ge...
Hello! My name is Humberto Valle, I'm the co-founder of www.Unthink.me, growth hacking and digital marketing service. I can go over all the different tactics and strategies that you can implement but there is a book by a fellow growth hack marketer, Ryan Holiday, in this book he talks about how h...
always save the original profile as a backup. that said, this is an easy problem to solve. you just need to use this line of code above the "trackpageview" line.... _gaq.push(['_setDomainName', 'example.com']); here's an easy tool to help http://gaconfig.com/one-domain-with-subdomains/ here's...
Here's my rule for numbers. 100 target customers that I've done customer discovery interviews with. 10 customers (who've paid / given me money) 25 who are active beta testers. I usually use that order of things as well. I like to get early adopters to give me money to validate their feedback, t...
Most of my friends use www.wordpress.org and http://member.wishlistproducts.com/ to create their membership sites. Hope that helps.