
Results for: Positioning

I can assist you in putting together a plan to build, market, and sell your new supply chain Saas tool. I would need some more specific before I can advise you on your best next steps.


Common issues are: * Sending the wrong message to a specific target group * The product/service is too complicated or not appealing enough * The reputation is not there - case studies, testimonials and actual reviews More expensive products and services need a solid portfolio of existing custom...


I think we'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are not promoting here through a question it appears to me that there is a different issue at hand. Could be branding, positioning, market focus, pricing or wording... Could be a number of things more suitable for a call I think. A...


A little more context would be needed to understand this question but I would simply say you are risk mitigation.


Advertising is one of the ways to get traction, but for most brands it takes over 6 months (or a year) to build any income at all. It's a good way to promote local stores or coffee shops, and cheaper products, but the cost per click is high for online products and the initial investment is signif...


One of the best ways to identify real problems in a market is to be a consultant and actually get paid to help solve the problem. Many great product companies started off this way (ex: Freshbooks, Hootsuite, Shopify, etc). They solved their own problem, and then build a solution so that others ...


First thing you should do is talk to a patent lawyer. Specially your employers lawyer. There is something called "trade secrets" that are consider all the knowledge that you are getting and applying. This secrets could be used by the company to sue you later on. Be very careful before you start. ...


As someone who has worked in administrative positions for the better part of a decade, I will say: being seen and recognized as part of the team goes a long way. This can be simple - sending an email to congratulate your team on achieving a goal? Send it to the folks the back office positions, ...


Wish I'd seen this and been able to help you when you posted this 8 days ago. Guess we don't have many executive jobhunting experts available...but anyhow this will help going forward: This is your chance to stand out. Be memorable. Make them say, "We have to talk to this person!" Don't be blan...


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