You're doing it all wrong. Grow this baby and sell it for more. Hire yourself a strategist to work with you on this.
Sir i can help you to make video of your hotel . I will share youtube link it a sample work . please go through it
Hi, Andy Jacob here....I haven't heard you mention that people want the product? I would make sure people actually will replace what they are currently using first..
Issuing stock options to employees in a private closely held company can be a complicated matter, from both a legal and tax perspective. The exercise price per share should definitely not be an arbitrary number. It should be the fair market value of the shares on the day the stock options are g...
It's difficult to give specific advice without knowing the actual traffic level(1) and type of ads and placements(2) you have on your website but I'll make the assumption that those visitors don't record visits of extraordinary length resulting in at least several hundreds of thousands of pagevie...
This question is really hard to answer without knowing about what kind of exact B2B business we are talking about. However it is very easy to split test the whole process. You can use a free solution like Google Optimize or paid tools like: Just make sure to attribut...
Being a part time artist, I can say the pricing structure depends on the category of artwork and the artist's background. Not to forget if you are dealing with similar structure as subscription boxes it is imperative to know what is your central product concept. Installation and procurement costs...
Are you the manufacturer or reseller? If you are the reseller, typically about 40-50% above cost. Use the MSRP as an indicator.
Suppose you're a customer buying from yourself. Why? What reasons do you find persuasive? If identical products can be purchased for a fraction of a price elsewhere ... and that "elsewhere" is more visible than you, then you'll have a difficult time. If, on the other hand, your offering is un...
I've attended this class in-person and the video version of Michael Dearing's class on pricing is great. You can see it here: If you haven't already done so, I'd carefully study the effectiveness and uptake of "premium" services already offered by...