
Results for: Producing

If the person doesn't have a patent, trademark, or copyright on the thing you want to copy, then you can copy as much as you want. Current IP law in the USA is "first to file" (see: If the person has any of those things, and you wa...


I worked for a large outdoor product manufacturer that sold into stores such as Target, REI, Dick's Sporting Goods, Cabela's, etc. As you can imagine, if you are not one of their regular suppliers, getting even 5 minutes of the buyer's time will be no small feat. Depending on what market your...


This depends upon the state. Each state has a different definition of what constitutes "transacting business within the state" Some states will not regard selling products to customers physically present within the state as transacting business - it would require more of a physical presence on ...


I believe in MVP (Maximum Validated Product). The more you get customer/user validation, the more robust and complete the product becomes. It's smart to begin testing immediately to collect data that can help road mapping for the next product build improvements. Launch early with a few lighthouse...


There are a lot of tools designed to help "sketch" business ideas and business models. You need to be able to define and refine your ideas with a pencil and paper at the best. Other tools like Business Model Generation are great at sketching and documenting business model assumptions. I'm a huge ...


You may want to consider showcasing the more narrow, focused application which will be (ideally) your more capital-efficient beachhead that proves the product and market fit. Meanwhile, I would present a few select slides or datapoints from the original presentation as something that showcases t...


There are two main standards, the UL (USA's "Underwriter's Laboratory"), and CE (European Union's "Conformité Européenne"). The CE will let you sell in the US, Canada, Australia, and the EU (I'm not sure about the Middle East though). The CE is harder to get than the UL, since it includes stand...


It's best to define your initial MVP's persona as narrowly as possible, and learn from your tests (initially small scale) to make it work well for them, and only then expand to other verticals if necessary. It sounds like you think it will work best for sales teams, so start there, get some dat...


What you are asking for is almost impossible to answer. First off I would want to know from you, what do ou know about Virtual Reality? Because most of the answers are right there in your knowledge. If you know nothing as your question seems to indicate, then this is probably not a venture you...


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