If I need to choose between, Black 3/4 leggings - High waist tights and Gym Tights Black with Red Banding SUPPLEX Fabric For Comfortable Fit I'll name my URL, buymystuff.com/black-3-4-leggings-high-waist-tights and in the title, I'd write "Black 3/4 Leggings - High Waist Tights" and the desc...
Hi there i found a very extensive article where you can order UPC barcodes from Amazon http://www.cpcstrategy.com/blog/2016/07/amazon-upc-codes-101/
Cool concept, but yeah, it can be time consuming. While there may be automated ways to do this, another way to consider the demands of the individualized approach is to think of the effort as an investment in the relationship. Down the road, this investment could pay dividends, including: * when ...
These are tough questions. It may be possible to hire third party marketing companies that would be able to do some testing for you to give you the metrics, but most likely the best option would be to do the testing in house. I think that you would need to set up a few of these alternative sampli...
Hi, in my opinion no, you should test first the device in your local saloon. After you improve the product, and after you are satisfied with the product is working, the next step would be branding and marketing. Before you come to market then you should fill for the patent. Kind regards Kruno.
The starting point is always getting clear about the problem. What does you new word press product actually do and what problem does it solve for people? I am an online sales strategist so can help set up your email marketing, build the strategy and help you source the best people to get it do...
The answer: do both. The first thing you need to know about patents is that the U.S. now has a first-inventor-to-file system after the American Invents Act (AIA) went into effect in 2013. I have to disagree with Dan above: for hardware inventions especially, a patent is an important part of th...
If it's generating USD $10,000 or more in MRR, then you can try listing if on ExitRound but based on your description, I think a sale at this moment is unlikely. Acquisitions like the one you're dreaming are either motivated by the book of business or an engineering team. Code is thrown away an...
I think my question would be have you looked back into the strategy of physical rewards for health motivation? Rather than recommend services offering gym discounts, health supplement discounts etc. I'd rather go back into the reasons why you want to offer rewards in the first place. From most i...
From your question it appears you want a shelf-stable (no refrigeration required) product with a long shelf life. There are a number a factors that will determine your products shelf life, to be clear, adding a seal is not the only requirement to create a shelf-stable product. The good news is ...