
Results for: Product Innovation

Okay so I am going to lead by saying I have a bias regarding crowdfunding. Now on to my answer: Kickstarter is for products not companies. If you create a good product and do a kickstarter campaign you will be able to use the funds raised for the product to build your company. https://www.crow...


This question leads me to believe there are a limited number of people in the company. With that said, and I mean this sincerely; why do you need a title? If you are a key person in an early stage start-up what will the title do for you? Will it pigeon hole you into a specific role or skill set w...


The idea of an MVP is 'minimum, viable' ... If you feel you need a "good amount" of funding, I would challenge if you are minimum enough. Obviously, without knowing the details of your product, your ideal customer, or what need you will solve, it is hard to help expose what is necessary in an MV...


Hi there! 1-. Keep on asking for feedback for your product and adjust it 100% to what your first users want 2-. Go for the wow factor. Make their product amazing (think about an iphone design) and last 3-. Make sure these early adopters use your product everyday (or as many times per week as...


It really depends on what type of industrial application you are interested in since industrial is a very fragmented market with multiple verticals. Most big SI companies like TCS, Accenture, infosys, Wipro, have IoT practices these days and do both application and hardware development.


Hi Manuel. While I have never structured partnerships between companies and DCA's, I have worked on many strategic alliances with govt agencies (or the like) and companies. Increasingly this is becoming more and more common. Which State are you in? It may be worth reaching out via your network to...


To formulate a strategy that is a match for the outcome you are trying to accomplish we would have to further understand your business model, the issues you are encountering, and many other business specific questions. I would love to help and talk further about this.


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