I would do another test run to confirm that it wasn't a one-time lucky streak that you hit. These numbers are definitely relevant to investors as they want to know the conversion rates. You should calculate your Customer Acquisition costs as this number will be important to investors. However, lo...
Do not consider this as a fixed and rigid decision. Consider this more like an opportunity to realize that you should test your pricing strategy as early as possible or at least now. Every pricing strategy you choose does work, the question is can you find your optimum? In your position, I'd re...
If your product caused skin issues with a consumer so bad that a court case has been opened it will hurt your brand and store like crazy. Mainly because this consumer now will leave a bad review, tell all his/her friends about the experience. And believe me future customers will find out what ha...
That's awesome. You are at a first stage of building a MOOC, a Massive Open Online Course portal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massive_open_online_course I worked in the growth team of a UK startup that reached an explosive growth in 2015. I like your approach you applied the "don't scale" ap...
The first thing you should do is isolate your target market. Asia, India, SA are extremely wide if you're at that beginning stage of just looking at prospects. Once you've narrowed down a couple of regions, then you can do a more in-depth research on the key distributors in these markets. If yo...
I think at this stage there are a couple things to research 1) your audience and their behavior in trying new things 2) Test it out... it's really hard to tell unless you try it and see what works. Most companies are using the freemium approach only cuz it makes sense with their product/service b...
I've watched different companies struggle with customer acquisition, and I myself struggled with it. I doesn't matter if its a physical product, a service or an app. Attention costs a lot of money, usually more than we can afford. Paid acquisition should never be your main driver of new users, ...
The best defence is a strong offence. Said another way, the best companies don't spend too much time looking in the rear-view mirror, and instead focusing on the drive ahead. Most web and mobile businesses are not defensible by true I.P but rather speed of execution, great design, responsive an...
There are three ways to grow any business: 1. Increase number of clients 2. Increase average sale amount 3. Increase frequency of sales If your company is already fully booked, I suggest that you start by simply raising your prices. You might lose some clients, but usually when a business raise...
Definitely DON'T go for funding at this stage. It would be just TOO COSTLY for you in terms of the stake you will have to give away for a limited amount. Most likely at this stage, you don't even have a clear picture if you really need the investment. Have you mobilized all the cash you can on ...