
Results for: Product Strategy

The "important attributes" of any product are typically determined by your target market and vary significantly, but broadly speaking "ease of use" for the customer could be added to your list.


Hi First of all, the fact that you're asking this question is very good (stage one of the solution). Second, without hearing more details, it is very difficult to provide an educated answer. Therefore, I am willing to offer you the following: 1. Send me more details of your business + what you ...


Hi, Although I've helped many SaaS startups, your question is a bit too general to give an educated answer, because it really depends on the type of service you are providing, the niche' you're targeting, the clientele, country, etc. For example, launching a SaaS product for B2B isn't the same a...


If you want long term evangelists you're going to have to think outside of the relationship between your product and the customer and focus specifically on the customer. Identify the influencers who are already engaging your brand through social media channels and see what you can learn about t...


This depends on the type of functionality you need in your app. Web apps can't implement the full suite of functionality that would be available to a native app, although they are getting closer to that capability. If the functionality that you need can be achieved with a web app, and if you ca...


I believe in MVP (Maximum Validated Product). The more you get customer/user validation, the more robust and complete the product becomes. It's smart to begin testing immediately to collect data that can help road mapping for the next product build improvements. Launch early with a few lighthouse...


You can sell online using different platforms, You can use eBay, Amazon, Etsy, or create your own website and sell products on your website. Actually, there are a lot of ways to sell products online and I will advise you to start selling on amazon.


Value based pricing is neither about being cheap, nor about the kind of product/service. The value potential of $3.99 will depend upon the quality of output that the product/service provides, irrespective of the categories mentioned by you. Ideal way should be to benchmark your product/service co...


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