Think about the entire sense of the product that the consumer gets, this includes your website, what you sound like on the phone if/when they call, your logo, the packaging of your product, etc. These are all relatively small things that you could tweak that would have a disproportionally large e...
Whoa, start by reading the Lean book again; you're questions suggest you are making a classical mistake made by too many entrepreneurs who live and breath Lean Startup. An MVP is not the least you can show someone to evaluate whether or not building it is a good idea; an MVP is, by it's very def...
You can try manufacturing aggregators like. 3Dhubs They will help you find the right partner for metal fabrication, 3D printing and CNC machining.
I'm a CBD expert! I'd love to speak more on this and make your cbd development process easy and successful!
The Pomodoro method really is great, but it isn't the end all be all when it comes to time management. One of the important aspects of the Pomodoro method is that there is a clear start and stop time of your task. Another way that I like to use this methodology is with an app called It ...
yes. ofcourse. y not. but your product should be having USP(unique selling power) and quality edge. There are various products in the market which have single product line and also have investors.
I was just speaking with a colleague about this as we are both starting new startups and were reflecting on our previous projects together. In hindsight we recognize that one of the main challenges was proper expectation setting around adoption and engagement. If someone else is setting those exp...
Do you mean the marketing of such a service? Or the fulfillment process itself? (Yes, to both.) You'll probably benefit from looking up some Michael Gerber / EMyth content. Essentially, you can systemize your process, while retaining the "secret sauce" that makes what you do special. You just...
You need some sort of functional prototype (i.e. something that actually, in some way, does what you want it to do). Nobody will invest without one. You said you're too low on funds to have one built, so my best advice would be to spend some time learning the skills needed to build it yourself. Y...
Domain expertise and talking to users. By working with the users you want to sell to or even just the industry, you will see how they do things - and more importantly, see what it takes to influence their behavior. You may realize pain points you didn't see in the first place - and may even en...