
Results for: Property

Hi The best way would be to have the creator/artist sign a waiver and transfer of rights. This is an agreement between you and them (it's about 1.5 - 3 pages long) in which they clearly state that they are transferring all the rights to you and waiving any future claims. I advise having a lawyer...


It's not unusual at all. If you do outsource, try and make sure you have a project lead that you can trust. Once revenues get up to a certain point they might want to see the project through and come on board full time OR they will have enough pride in their work to make sure a proper transition ...


Several follow up questions: 1. Do you have any sort of employment agreement now? 2. Did you disclose early on that you were working on this side project? 3. What state are you in? 4. Have you taken steps to protect the proprietary info to date--such as using an NDA? 5. Does anyone else within th...


If you're using source control, it's easy to track source and control access — or revoke access — if someone leaves the company. Also, your developers should have signed a contract about the project itself that clearly places the source code under your/the client's/the company's control, and if...


Hi, Each item/creation is subject to its' own license and you need to make sure that the license permits you to use whatever you purchased for commercial use and/or that the intellectual property rights/ownership rights have been transferred to you, or that you've received a license to use the i...


This is a tricky question as you are entering a gray area if you are using material from Book Z to inspire your own book. Derivatives works are highly litigated and there is case law that you could turn to to help you make this decision but based on your example its going to be a fine line. You w...


Unfortunately you have to file your taxes for every year even if you do not have any business activity as well as to comply with your state fillings and the filings for your Secretary of State. You cannot add the activity of 2 years together, there has to be a filing for every year, in this case ...


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