
Results for: Public relations

Hello, Congrats on launching your venture. First things first, what is your website about, and why should those different bloggers and journalists care? If you can answer this question (your elevator pitch), then you'll be off to a good start. Secondly, you'll need to determine to whom you ...


Are you looking to blast an entire email list of, let's say, tech writers with a pitch? Or are you looking to get on a particular website like GeekWire or TechCrunch? Look up associations related to your targeted niche, you'll find all sorts of writers who are interested. Your question is rathe...


Three good starting points for you: To connect with corporate communications professionals, check out the 2017 International Association of Business Communicators World Conference in Washington, DC, in June: To connect with CSR professionals, check out the 2017 International...


Use HARO (Help A Reporter Out) and sign up for free so you can see the daily offers for reporters looking for people to interview, then respond to the targeted topics you are interested in being interviewed for as an expert.


My suggestion would be to only spend time and energy on PR activity that serves a greater purpose than winning the contest. While this is a great excuse/reminder that PR is important, think beyond the startup battle. Look at this as an opportunity to tell your story. Here are some thoughts that...


You will always be your best PR agency. Because if you can't sell yourself, then no one will be able to sell / market you. In my experience, when I start something with money as the focus I fail. However when I work to create something amazing for others, I win and win big. My advice is to fo...


Yeah, this is a really interesting question.I would be thinking about: 1. An open letter from the CEO of your hotel chain that's hosted on your website. Something that shows empathy with customers who are considering booking your hotel but are majorly put off by the terrorist events. A letter th...


Never. However look to enhance any customer reviews that embrace such differences. Revolve your campaign around 1 or 2 particular reviews or customer reflections. Read about blue ocean, ignore your competition (they will confuse you and kill your focus - do you think they are studying you? hell...


First of all I want to give you a lot of credit for what you are doing. One of the great things about being a business owner is that the successes are truly your own, but the downside is that the failures are too. Going through the tough times can be emotionally and physically exhausting. To ge...


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