
Results for: Research

Hey there! This doesn't seem to meet the definition of a partnership, especially if all of the funding is coming from you. You certainly want to demonstrate that you value his expertise and contributions but it really sounds like you are bringing your first employee (if you are based in the U.S. ...


Here are some quick and easy tips: 1) To make it easier for bots to crawl your site, link to important pages within your site with simple HTML URLs (not through javascript). 2) Add Alt tags to all your images 3) To choose keywords, search google with each keyword to see how many results come u...


The best way is to lean how to ask great questions and to physically spend time with your users watching them work. I don't have all the killer questions, but my favourite to help understand product roadmap opportunities is "What do you do 3 minutes before, and after you use our product?". That...


The art of the "cold pitch" is definitely something that needs to be worked on, and doesn't come naturally to everyone. A couple of quick tips: 1. 4 is not a big enough target group, you've got to cast a bigger net. Try pitching 20, and aim to get 3-5 responses. 2. When sending a cold email, ...


The real question should be what type of life do you want to live? Each individual you mentioned will have different expectations for paying for a service. That will reflect on the type of life you personally want to live. So first, start thinking about your life and how you want to live, what ty...


Hi, Andy Jacob here....I haven't heard you mention that people want the product? I would make sure people actually will replace what they are currently using first..


Not clear on the type of software you’re looking to get this info on but go here and it’s likely going to have data you want and i think you can also pull reports / lists for a fee. Lmk if this works. Enjoy!


The answer depends on how many patients are in the study, how many investigational sites are in the study, and how long the study length is. Other facts that can affect the cost is what sort of materials must be provided to each patient (smart phones? tablets? etc.). So, the cost could be sev...


When there's low search volume for your particular niche, it does make sense to see if you can attract traffic from peripheral niches and interests (which it sounds like you've been doing). Sounds to me like your goal, from an SEO perspective, should be focused on long-tail traffic acquisition, ...


You can use LinkedIn ads to focus on your specific target audience based on things like: industry, job title and function. Facebook also has specific categories regarding job types, I'm not sure if "hotel managers" is on the list. Best of luck! Let me know if you have any follow-up questions.


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