The resume's purpose is to Get You The Interview. Not get you the job. It can't do that. So anything that helps you Stand Out and get that callback for the interview is fair game. I don't even recommend using a resume anymore. Develop online content and get it in front of employers who have the...
I help clients leverage and monetize their patents in a variety of ways. One of the best methods is to attend and exhibit at trade shows in your field. Targeting startups may be one approach, but that's not the only market for your patent. I'd be happy to talk with you about identifying the be...
You are missing whether LinkedIn and mailers are relevant to your target customers and also how they use these media, if your targeting was accurate. - (Buyer Personas GOOD NEWS. Many CEOs of small companies are active on LinkedIn and even write their own content, but I can...
Getting some of your relevant authority content in the front of some of the decision makers or Influencers of your target market is a great way to make entry. This is done via content and Influencer marketing using digital and social networks. We work with Construction firms to develop strateg...
Typically people are going to want to see an example of your work. A success story. It sounds like you are still entertaining the idea though and most likely don't have a real-world example to showcase. If this is the case, I would suggest trying to start with a close friend or family member...
Mark is correct that the best advisors should have skin in the game but that advice is applicable only when you and your business are obviously investable. I've engaged advisors at times when I knew I wasn't ready to ask for their money and I've often begun advisory relationships in the earliest...