"What type of car should I buy?" As you can imagine, the answer to this question is highly dependent upon a number of factors. Similarly, you're asking some very specific questions. I anticipate that a number of experts here would love to help you with answering with specific questions -- but t...
Many well-known SaaS companies have doubled their prices. I've personally worked with a few that have gone through it. In most cases, your conversion rates stay the same and you see a huge jump in revenue. This is because people tend to under-price themselves. Also, your product improves over ti...
Good question. 6% churn per month on $5M is $300,000. Seems like a lot of money to me without even knowing your cost of customer acquisition. It's like trying to fill a leaking bucket. A little uptick in churn rate will have a HUGE NEGATIVE impact on your valuation: you reduce your LTV and ARPA w...
Hi There, I'd be happy to help walk through the growth process with you directly, but I should be clear that there isn't a "one-size-fits-all-solution". You can't simply "growth hack" anything. But you can quickly find strategies to reach customers, and if you have a product that people want y...
Social media is very useful for B2B SaaS companies. The level of targeting on places such as Twitter and Facebook are very useful to hit the right people/companies. LinkedIn is also another useful tool for B2B Advertising. On Twitter/Facebook, you can potentially target users of your SAAS, or c...
I would storngly suggest you to consider a 4th optinion which is much cheaper and with a higher chance of giving you return. I've personally used this strategy to start my consulting business from 0 to 12 clients in the first 3 months. Here's exactly what you can do. How You Can Generate 5 to ...
Most Software as a service vendors generally don't book annual deals except in highly specialized cases. Most customers prefer to be able to cancel/change anytime they choose. Also, deals done "offline" end up actually often being more trouble than they are worth to administrate especially for ...
great questions - we see this situation with our clients pretty frequently at my firm. based on my own years of SaaS/tech sales, marketing and project management experience, I would say the path most likely to get adoption is actually discovered before the demo is delivered, rather than after. ...
From everything I've seen, 20-35% is definitely the sweet spot. It certainly depends on the price point and some people start lower but build in incentive criteria to bump the percentage up after a certain milestones have been met.
Great question. You should definitely not drop the idea if you think that it is worth pursuing. Just like you need the tech-founder, he needs a business founder with a dream, and the passion to make it succeed. I suggest that following: 1. Do market validation/ POC to see if the idea has potent...