Use to find them. They have a 14 days free trial. The tool will let you filter by founding and type of company, so it will probably give you what you need.
I've found that the most important thing to do is get a relationship with a business banker. We use Wells Fargo, and maybe I just got lucky, but I managed to find a business banker who I connected with really well and he was able to coach me through everything. Also their phone support has been v...
Products like ZenDesk have a whole system built around help centers and tickets. Discourse and Disqus offer forum-like discussions. WordPress has several forum plugins. And that's just what I can think of off the top of my head. My assumption would be that a deeper search on Google will come ...
Many of the target groups you listed have their own proprietary contract processes/apps in place. Low hanging fruit may be independent consultants, freelancers, and small business owners. They deal with contracts all the time. If you are going to continue targetting real estate, financial, and ...
It's extremely hard to sell something you're not passionate about. Have you looked into other options, such as selling the company or hiring a sales team? With only a few clients it probably wouldn't be a huge sale, but someone who has connections in the education space could further monetize i...
Luckily, municipalities, community groups, and chambers of commerce are all very visible, easily located targets. The businesses who also want to sponsor a deployment are harder to target, so I'll set them aside for this discussion. Chambers of Commerce can be approached individually, but there...
Having sold SaaS applications for early stage startups and Fortune 500 companies, there's a lot of factors in play which determine if a SaaS product can "self-propagate" enough of its own leads to which $1M in revenue. There's several fundamental levels of analysis that need to be taken into acc...
Short answer is that you do not, unless you have presence, defined as nexus in the US. You can read yourself in the many cases you are considered to have nexus from this source: The definition is quite wide and varies between juris...
Pop-ups are generally pretty obtrusive to the user experience and may actually have a negative impact on your conversion rates. I'd recommend refining and testing your calls-to-action (including offer, copy, image, & placement) to make sure those are as optimized as possible. I'd also recommend ...
Great question, I've dealt with this exact same issue. I've found the best way to look at this problem is by analyzing the problem you are solving for this "lighthouse." Is this something they would build anyway? If so, how much would it cost? Anything less than that is probably a win for them. I...