
Results for: Sales Management

It sound to me that you will not be there for a long time. If the owner is not giving you any rights it is a clear sign.. Look like he/she needed a helping hand and that's what you did.. 1- This is not a fruitful relationship between you two and he is not committed to you.. You drove his busine...


Setting up a proper accounting system should be your #1 priority. There are many services such as Webgility that will sync your inventory with Quickbooks, Xero, etc and all of your sales channels (ebay, ecommerce, etsy, etc).


This might be in my wheelhouse, but if not, I know who I can refer you to. I currently the Chief Growth Officer of a startup that has SaaS and Marketplace services. I’m in charge of growth strategy, revenue generation, customer retention, GTM strategy, pricing strategy, distribution channels, fun...


Here is the deal: as an entrepreneur, you must be the best sales person at your company. There aren't any excuses that can combat that. Then, once the business has a revenue stream, you may hire a small sales team to continue new business into the sales funnel. In order to become successful, yo...


A business plan will give you a better idea. Map out revenues, costs, and margins for varying realistic range of business volumes and sales models. Do a 'what if' with than model. Analyze yourself and competitors deeply. An substantial scalable sustainable business margin is attainable even in l...


Hi there! In my experience, governance is often considered a function of a legal department, so approaching a VP Legal, or an Ombudsman/Business Compliance Manager may be of value. They'd warm to a risk-reduction positioning, with the compelling factor of avoiding legal issues, government fines,...


I would be curious to know why you feel it is important to use personality testing. I have hired over 20 sales reps and I have never used any testing. I have conversations with my hires because that is going to tell me more about their personality any day than a test. Plus you might eliminate som...


Well explained question. I have a lot of experience with affiliate marketing (which is very similar to the situation you’re describing). The commission range varies widely depending on the industry, and can be anything between 2%-30% of the sale - depending on how high the sale is (usually, the ...


Instead of repeating the wisdom of others, I'll link to it below. Here is a great blog post on hiring your first salesperson: Also, Mark Suster has written a ton of great post on his blog about startup sales.


Showing value without giving it for free and if I do, later having to convince that the value given before is worth $$.


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