You can base your business in mostly referrals, however, if you want to grow substantially, you should use some paid advertising to boost your revenue. It all really depends on how much you want to grow and how fast. If you are alone as an architect without staff, then referrals are a good place ...
Marketing strategy! During the build of the product you should have been testing how it solves pain points for customers. This would help with clear brand and value alignment. As for acquisition, from the value alignment stage you should have a clear understanding of who your clients are, from th...
Today’s consumers are entering the buying process much more educated and from a number of entry points. Some will come to your brand based on the recommendation of a friend, others will see a sponsored social media post, others will come in “cold” from a generalized search engine query. Your sale...
From what I understand, you are trying to help an SEO agency sell to other agencies that themselves sell to dental/medical companies? It's tricky without knowing more details, since this question keeps coming to mind: Why is the SEO agency interested in white-labelling their services to agencies...
You need to check your analytics and see where your visitors are leaving. Also test your sales copy and modify it until you see results. Give me a call if you would like some in depth help.
There's obviously no way to ensure a sale through, but to increase the chance of sale through as much as possible would involve using a combination of several known marketing/psychological techniques. Some of these would require for you to have some control over the text of the mail sent. However...
The easy answer is Yes! You must review results on a consistent basis to hold yourself accountable but to also analyze what went well and what did not go well. Too many times business owners fail to make adjustments based on the feedback they are receiving. Having a mentor or peer you can disc...
Generally bootstrapped startups should avoid salespeople, for a few reasons: a. they typically can't afford the base and overall comp required to attract sales people who can actually sell / or afford to support them with marketing, management, etc b. it will be very difficult to find the rare pe...
Hi there, I'm gonna tell you the truth: there's not any "proven well converting sales funnel" at all! Don't waste time on that question, is the wrong question you're asking yourself. As the founder of a Conversion Rate Optimization company, having worked on hundreds of different websites and e-c...
People hate calls. People hate emails. People hate mail. Do you really want your first impression to be that of an interloper and a pusher? Then again, most recipients aren't event going to look at what you send them. What is your niche? Office managers for private family healthcare providers i...