
Results for: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

I personally don't think SEO is dying it's just evolving. Before SEO was all about back link building but now social sharing takes a huge consideration in it.


I would suggest utilizing for finding an expert. This site will allow you to create a detailed project proposal based on your needs and give you maximum flexibility to create a payment structure that fits your budget. Depending on how the training is structured, you can pay the expert ...


Several thoughts... First, search engines are changing their valuation of sites that have a significant amount of likes/tweets/plus-ones/etc. From the perspective of the search engine, these validations are actually far more relevant/valuable than "backlinks" (which is an older way of increasing...


Hi This is a common problem for many. There are no quick fixes. The main aspects are: 1. Quality (relevant) content 2. Quality incoming coming links for the relevant keywords. 3. Focus on niche areas. 4. Utilize long tail keywords. I’ve successfully helped over 300 entrepreneurs and I’d be ha...


A really good place to start is by listening to Neil Patel and Eric Sui’a podcast called Marketing School. Few other resources are: - Brian Dean YouTube channel Backlinko - and their YouTube channel on whiteboard Friday’s - Matt Diggity and his blog - Lion Zeal Podcast - Searchenginel...


Google's official stance is that they are "roughly equivalent" and recommends to do what is technically simpler to implement (source: With that said, I'd recommend a directory over a subdomain. Doing this consolidates signals to a single domain, wh...


I think with most, the challenge is in the expectation. We need to stop treating / valuing SEO in the same way we did 10 years ago. The sad truth is the dynamics of SEO and the role it plays in your marketing has changed a lot over the years but unfortunately most businesses are not realizing thi...


I deal with small business owners on a daily basis. Their knowledge of SEO varies greatly as does their competition in the SERPS. I will tell you that it is tough to give complete answers without first knowing how competitive your niche is. Advice: If those 50 domains are to be of any use, you ...


For most sites both can have equal importance. SEO tends to be slower. PPC tends to be fast. Most of my clients balance both. So the "wisdom" of using PPC, is creating instant conversions.


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