
Results for: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Are we speaking only about SEO here or about all the ways to generate traffic to a website? If we're speaking about SEO the best way is to start blogging and by this I mean as much as possible. Every single blog post is a new content, a new page that can be found by the search engines (and your ...


Obviously I don't know your situation but you might be running across an issue with expecting one person to do the job of many. There are so many aspects to SEO that its near impossible for one person to be an expert in every area. Content, social media, on-page optimization, user experience opti...


Hi there - There are two parts to the answer. First, it's very important to have a site map that is both current and does not have any URLs in it that return a status code other than a 200. Even 301 redirected URLs should not be in there. Also, the site map should not have more than 50,000 URLs....


_Can_ you? Sure, but it's probably not the most effective way. What you're describing is "content marketing," and it's usually very good at improving the middle and bottom of the funnel. Meaning, when someone already knows about your site, your content marketing can help convert them to a trialer...


Don't worry about Google Page Rank. It's already been declared dead ( Instead you should figure out how to get high quality and editoral links - which is the essence of page rank.


You'd want unique descriptions on each directory. Google wouldn't necessarily penalize you if 50 directories had the same description of your site, but those listings/links would be less valuable in Google's eyes and it's likely only one of them would be indexed. The more work you put in the mo...


From my own experience I would say so. Technically platforms like Instapage, which I have extensively used, do have an SEO feature built into them, although I really don't think they work - is very basic and any good SEO person would know that meta tags and key words are only the tip of the searc...


Yes, that can definitely be a problem if you are not redirecting all of your traffic to one or the other. The easiest way to solve this is to add a simple redirect to your site's .htaccess file. Here's an example of how to redirect all non-www traffic to www: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domain.c...


You are right. Any updates on site will require you to think about SEO so there is no lost traffic here is a QA wordpress you can use Also this is good seo plugin as well


If you got 5000 sites to link to your site using the same keyword you'll likely be flagged for spam and attempting to manipulate the search results. That is an old-school attempt at SEOing a site that Google and the other search engines have already developed algorithmic answers to. There are th...


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