
Results for: Security

Assuming you're utilizing some sort of native app to display that QR code you could consider finding a way to incentive the user to make sure they continue to use the application, regardless of what the gym offers or suggests "off-app" once they get in the door. Maybe adding a layer of gamificat...


Investors fund businesses that show promise and a handful of bookings wouldn't cut the deal. How are you going about marketing and branding it? If you have a strong website that offers flawless experience, then, the right marketing strategy can be the game changer to attract the target audience...


reCAPTCHA, developed by Google, is commonly used as a free service to protect websites from spam and abuse. While it's difficult to provide specific information about complaints or dissatisfaction points from individuals using reCAPTCHA on a paid basis (as it is primarily offered as a free servic...


Contact me for my counseling service. It is the cheapest service here. I will give you strategies and secrets that will prepare you very much. I hope you keep them for yourself only because it is the fruit of the effort of years of experience.


That's great that you're interested in starting bug bounties and exploring the field of cybersecurity! While the Google Cyber Security Course may not have provided hands-on skills specifically for bug bounties, there are several resources available that can help you learn the necessary skills to ...


It looks like you can do this with Cloudflare so if I were you I would email them to ask. See this article here: If that doesn't work I would contact your web host. Your web host will be able to provide a solution for you that will be simple and easy.


Captain Obvious: "Meet the KPIs." In addition: - don't give them the secret sauce, what makes you "you" - do things they don't want to do - demonstrate positive ROI. Keep the details of your technical expertise, how you do what you do, to yourself. That way they won't be able to simply hire ...


You may want to look at other lenders and options. See if you can find one that will allow you and your friend to set it up the way you described. Another option is to look for private lenders to fund your deals. Hope that helps!


Well if you built the app then I would suggest add a means to allow the community to flag inappropriate messages, then start banning the responsible users.


While I don't have access to real-time data, as of my last update in September 2021, it is likely that some companies in the gaming industry have utilized Google reCAPTCHA Enterprise. Google reCAPTCHA is a widely adopted technology that provides a security measure to prevent automated bots and sp...


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