By ON DEMAND, I am going to assume you mean within a few hours. In which case, in my experience the only two things that really stand out: 1. Financial forecast reports 2. Cost estimates
There are so many different moving pieces in this type of situation, you're best bet is to reach out to an expert accountant. Personally, I use and recommend Eric from Charitax (
You can simply use Microsoft Excel and its filters. Filter the data and click on the filter of the colum where similiar texts are. After that use "contains" filter and put a kew after the last column of your data. Excel is a great tool that you can use it also for grouping the data and analyse ...
Depends on how you plan to get hired. If you go the traditional route, which I say is akin to using stones and clubs in today's era, then you want your resume littered with keywords the HR departments of the large companies you're targeting are looking for. If you want to do something that will...
That's usually the case with early start-up entrepreneurs wherein every one struggles to create a "Happy Equity Index" to be able to decide the right proportion of equity division. In your case, it seems there are too many stakeholders with diverse contribution to the business. Hence, all of yo...
Do a great video of yourself making art out of horseshoes. Make sure your sound is professional and tell us an engaging story. Cover your interview with lots of B-roll images of you doing your craft. Put extreme close-ups of your tools and materials while we hear you tell your story. Duration 3 t...
Being an entrepreneur requires a lot of different personality traits. You mentioned having lots of ideas and being creative, which is what most people associate with being an entrepreneur. What I've found is that being creative and having great ideas may be well suited if you want to be an invent...
The nature of this questions is shaky. Do you want an entire strategy outlined here? Are those 5K friends relevant at all? Are they targeted and engaged followers? With organic reach so low, I wouldn't be excited if those 5K people went straight over to his fan page. In the end, what does th...
Thats a very good idea,i think you should talk with the people in charge.if you need any other relationship advice am here.
Hello. I help increase sales through customer success. This mainly envisages sales, marketing, business strategy, and ensuring customer ROI. PR or influencer marketing is nothing in itself but part of a business plan. Where do you and your business want to go? What are the gaps? This should i...