I have been working with HubSpot for almost 5 years. I've consulted with *hundreds* of companies in a very similar position to you. In my experience, the man-hours it takes to manage multiple systems cobbled together far outweigh the dollars a system like HubSpot cost. Further, there are countl...
This product is very interesting. I would love to learn more. I am Arizona based Strategy professional, as in I am an actual graduated strategy professional, not just a self touting one. I honestly, don't see any difference in what you are selling whether is white label or not. I know there is a...
Yes, absolutely there are very different rules that you have to follow for healthcare products. It mostly boils down to what you are claiming, and what the 'class' of your product is as defined by the FDA. You have to go through an extensive process to get certain healthcare products approved b...
I would rather work 80 hours per week on a project I was passionate about than 40 hours a week on a project I didn't care about. You're right, there is no "right answer". You have to know what will get you out of bed each morning and excited to tackle new problems and challenges.
Consider working with social media influencers (either YouTube or Instagram) to get your product out there. Assuming you have a website setup and can sell product directly, micro influencers are are great way to spread awareness and drive people to your website.
Gaining subscribers on Instagram, selling your artworks effectively, and setting up a print-on-demand service on your website all require a thoughtful approach. To attract subscribers, focus on creating engaging content that showcases your artistic journey, techniques, and behind-the-scenes glimp...
I think you're on the right track with the likes of eBay, Instagram, and Etsy. Those sites have established communities interested in what you have to offer. That said, each of those platforms have different optimization techniques to reach the right audience. For example, using proper hashtags ...
Need way more information than this. For starters, you need to know the following: What are their reasons for wanting to create an incubator? What are their needs? Can you meet those needs? When are they planning to make a decision? Who would be making the decision? Are they committed to startin...
Selling to enterprise customers is about demonstrating value while reducing risk. You will need to show irrefutable proof that your solution will address a pain - ideally, one that is both urgent and important (Eisenhower matrix/Covey). The best way is to point to tangible examples of where you h...
We work with one of the big cruise sites in the UK and it's all about making the site deserve to rank higher by continually improving the site via design & content. Google wants to rank popular sites so you need to (as Simon points out) figure out ways of getting influential sites to talk about y...