I'd recommend that you build out a range of packages with different deliverables for clients. Price them based on what you want to make per hour times the amount of time it will take you to create each deliverable (don't forget to build in time you'll spend meeting or communicating with the clie...
Do in-depth competition research. Find people doing exactly what you do and call/email and ask for pricing. Make sure you have exact specs for the "job" mapped out and use the same exact details for everyone you call. If you can't find anyone at all who does what you want to do you should dig d...
With all due respect, this seemingly simple question has a complex answer. Much akin to "How do I drive a car?" The most basic overview I can come up with goes like this: 1. Decide on a niche There are a million freelance website designers. What makes you different and how can you offer somethi...
Hi: Sounds like things are moving along well -- nice job. There will be fits and starts to any venture, so as you assess what's going on here, consider: * stepping back and realistically determining if you're being fair to this process -- everyone has different work styles and you should respect...
I've worked with nearly 100 startups over the last 10 years to launch their brands/online platforms and a common mistake I see is an initial overinvestment in the design and aesthetics when they start out. They spend tens of thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours trying to figure out the per...
Not easily answered without further info, best way for you to approach it would be to use comparatible service (be it shopify, attlasian, wix) and do your own market research on potential customer base as well as CVL. If you need help it would be fun to digg in, did a lot of research in this are...
What a great question! You are on the right track. First, lets define Avatar as "An icon or figure representing a particular person." In business application, an avatar is a representation of your ideal client/customer. A business may have multiple avatars representing several target demographics...
Yes. Who I would recommend would depend on what you'd like to see happen. Are you building only for iOS, or only for Android, or both? Will you have a bunch of content/stuff in your app or just a little? Are you thinking game or non-game app? Do you already have a big fanbase or would you be tryi...
Quick answer on this one: talk with somebody who has already succeeded in this field (built similar product or company). He/she will be able to quickly get you on track and avoid common pitfalls of your industry. If this person can't help you 100%, he/she will certainly be able to point you other...
I value your request for help. However, my experience is that a straight barter of design services for development services is not necessarily equitable, as design is most often a fraction of overall development effort and cost, albeit, design is critical and sets the stage for success in a proj...