aaah. I know your struggles. I have a dating app :) At first we would get flagged and it was profoundly frustrating. What we did after was strictly a content marketing strategy with banner ads to download the application in each post and started seeing subscribers and downloads. Have you tried m...
This is not a sarcastic comment: you hire a marketer or marketing firm that knows what they are doing. Marketing is a science and art that requires skill-- it's like a doctor/surgeon for your company. You wouldn't do open heart surgery on yourself-- why would you try to do surgery on your compa...
The easiest way to advertise on Facebook and IG is via Live video. Follow the 3 Es: Educate, entertain, or enlighten. Teach your audience, make them laugh or wow them, or enlighten them with a story about you. If you do the Live video on Faebook and you stay under 10 minutes, you can download and...
Your on a good track. One Thing I would highly suggest is setting up some organized goals not your business plan but something for you and who ever you are working with. I would be happy to talk to you and help you get things started so you get out to the colleges on an organized and efficient path.
If I am one of your viewers, I'd like to find the exact same I am searching for and u provide. I highly recommend to mention every related vocab to your description, so you always on search list. Regarding titles, keep it simple and up to the content. If you provide education content, mention the...
You can learn a lot by reading through articles on . It is one of the leading sources for SEO and SEM. SEO is a science and an art so you have to learn about each side of the art & science. As mobile continues to grow, SEO becomes more important as there are fewer nat...
Imho I think they are very valuable. I know the owner of a restaurant that told me he will carefully go through every Yelp review and call the one that lower his average of 4+ stars. He says many people search on their phone where to eat, and they use mainly Yelp, judging with stars first and rea...
Print advertising is expensive and phonebook usage has certainly declined. The marketplace can also be pretty fragmented with so many different publications. It would depend upon your market such as if you have a lot of retirees/seniors in your area that may still utilize a book? And have you ...
This is an article I came across a few years ago regarding the decision of adding social login: It does a good job of highlighting the key consideration points.
Ask them to brief explain their methodology and most important the KPI's that they will track thru your project. That way you can compare different agencies KPI's and see the ones that make sense with your business goals. A few ones to exemplify: General: Traffic, Sources, Conversion Rate, Bounc...