Try getting someone famous (in relevance to your target/desired audience) to post that they are on your platform (be sure to make sure that the platform works and gives value before approaching them - otherwise nothing you do will work). p.s.: before launching, did you actually check that there w...
Great question! I believe that Hootsuite might be one of your best solutions. It is a free tool and you can publish through several social media platforms at once. For a free account, however, they limit you to 3 accounts I believe: There is also Buffer as we...
I might suggest starting with Bitly and exploring the possibility of getting a custom branded shortener, which you can set up through Bitly once the domain is purchased. For example, my website is but I shorten all links to so it's more professional. I feel like many...
I will suggest a mixture of following: 1. (Mobile app) 2. (Completely Free and THE BEST ONE) 3. (Not much options but helps me post on Google Plus pages that other two does not do very well) I gained almost 1000 followers in 2 days using these three. If yo...
It can be hit or miss. I have found at times that it's more management than it's worth. Most of the time I have instead taken the same budget and hired a part time virtual assistant for the same tasks and gotten better results. Now, there's certainly something to be said for building your commun...
It can be pretty common. It's different for different networks, some will over-report and some under-report. Google for example generally under-reports conversions, so we adjust for that on our end. Social buys generally over-report due to bots etc. It's definitely annoying but once you get your ...
The one thing SEO, social media, website development, email, etc. all have in common is they need people to make them great content. So, jobs involved with writing, graphic design, and content research/strategists are all in high demand and will be for the foreseeable future.
If you're looking for agencies who have it down I'd recommend Ogilvy Social W+K Social and RGA. But it really depends on how you want to position your agency, you'll see they all take pretty different approaches. https://twitter...
I own a digital marketing agency and have helped many businesses create and execute social media plans. I would not hire someone right off the bat for your type of business. It's much more efficient nowadays to hire an agency or freelancer to set it up for you with software. The software will ...
Social engagement requires more than posting information about your product or service. You need to look for ways to be helpful to people without trying to drive them to your site. Look for opportunities to build relationships first and foremost. Once people see that you're helpful they'll begin ...