Personally, I think there needs to be one, anchor Twitter account, and it has to be YOU. Not the blog, not the company, but you the person. You can (and should) still tweet about the blog, the company, and the industry (because that's part of who you are), but if I don't see some authenticity, I ...
I think if you're going to pursue a studio approach, you should assume that you will not be able to raise much in the way of outside equity funding. Most investors do not want to invest in a team that is pursuing multiple projects at the same time for a variety of reasons. To the extent that ...
While you've created a good amount of content on your Kickstarter campaign, your website is lacking severely in it. With that in mind, when it comes to your website I'd propose focusing on these two main goals: 1) Increase lead generation through your website. 2) Engage more with your current (...
Hi there! In few words, the launch date does not matter a lot as long as you are following with a continuous marketing plan all the year. It is better to tune your lunch date according to your marketing campaign than connecting it to the seasonal event. The timing of your launch only matters if ...
Very few brands will openly discuss how much they spend in advertising. This is a highly-sensitive data and a competitive advantage. You can use industry averages for cost of acquisitions, however. If you use $1 per click and/or $15 per client acquisition, for example, you can do simple math to ...
Ask friends, families, and previous co-workers to refer you.
Social media, at times, could get tricky to understand. That's where you need an expert advisor to help you leverage social media, making most out of time and capital investment. Even tagged as social, no two social media platforms are same and likewise varies their usage for specific business ob...
Definitely don't just look locally. There is a much, much larger global market. When you recruit, pay at least 3 people to do a trial task. Give them a fixed amount of time (eg 3 hours) and compare the results. Don't let people who interview well confuse you between people who produce great work.
If you haven't already have a co-host organization or have sponsor that adds to the guest list to grow both networks. Engage a charity to co-host that would benefit in some way plus you reach their audience. Put referral program in place - bring a friend get something in exchange.
Take a look at how other companies with similar problem resolved it, for example: AirBnB, Uber, TaskRabbit and others. Every one of them, unless they were extremely lucky with timing, used a narrow geographic focus, approaching established communities and fulfilling demand for one side by hand ...