How important is scaling? For example, if you're charging $400/hour for consulting and filling 20 hours a week, would you need to scale? Products are great, but there's a lot of unbillable hassle involved in the path toward getting there. Your product needs to have a big enough audience to giv...
Have you looked in to Crystal Reports at all? It has numerous advantages. It will connect to all of the data sources you have including spreadsheets, and can integrate data from more than one source at a time. i.e. you may have most of your data in a spreadsheet, with some additional info in A...
A good way to find devs that most probably haven't tried is Stackoverflow. Look for devs that have answered a lot of MacOS app related questions. Let me know if you want to chat more about this and other ways.
Better than choose an architecture and try to build the server side of your app, I suggest you to try to find a mate that helps you and was your cofounder. Just you will probably fail in building the app and keeping it working fine in the near future. One-founder teams are very risky for accelera...
You are facing a classic chicken and egg problem. You want premium projects but cannot get them because you haven't done any yet. To solve this, you need to think from your target customers standpoint. Why would a customer buy from you? What do you offer that others don't have? Once you define th...
You can either dissect the inner workings of ajax calls (if the website has any) or write a regular full-page scraper which traverses the product catalog. Popular choices for scraping are casperjs, beautiful soup, mechanize, etc. Each having its strengths and drawbacks - casper for instance can e...
The first thing to consider is are you building this as an MVP or are you digitizing a business where you are already offering this service successfully offline. Ultimately you get what you pay for and if you go down the cost-effective route initially MVP style you will need to rebuild at a late...
That is an interesting situation and I am sure many others share a similar concern. I would recommend trying out Podio (free), it lets you create all sorts of templates to capture and work with information (text fields, categories, dates, etc). You can set it to receive e-mail for you and it w...
My company does a lot of consulting with offshore firms who are looking for a way to generate new business, so I hear this question a lot. My first reaction is that you need to totally reverse your mindset when you talk about your own company. You mentioned that you have: a great software dev...
Two best ones are: Uberconference ( LiveNinja (