Have great conversations with qualified prospects. That's the simple answer. Do this enough times and you WILL get a client. Now the hard part: How do you get great conversations with qualified prospects? 1. Find a group of people who have a serious problem *they acknowledge they have* (that...
DO NOT hire a BD person. First, a startup with <$10m/yr revenue almost surely has nothing to offer another company that is interesting to them for BD. Not enough attention, not enough users, not enough revenue-sharing, etc.. BD only works when BOTH sides move the needle on something important ...
Likely what you're really asking is how to do effective lead generation. Where "effective" means locating new clients at near zero cost who can pay you $1000s every month, week, day or hour. Simple solution. Get in front of groups of people with money. Simple way to do this. Join https://Meet...
Thanks for your question. If things go well the boss will find out anyway, so you may as well assume you will do well and have a conversation with him now. Now we don't know enough about your idea to really advise well enough, but in general I'd try and position it as a 'weekend hobby', and as so...
First of all I want to clarify one thing on your question that I believe it's not accurate: SaaS is a way to deliver technology (products) not a business model. The counter part of SaaS is on-premise or legacy, which is not a business model but how you deliver your product. For example, Salesfor...
It is hard to give specific advice without specific information. Many of the pointers I see can be applied to non-tech startups. In the end, it is about knowing your customer's needs, partnering with those who complement your strengths and weaknesses, listening and evaluating feedback, getting t...
Think big. Start small. You should always think of the bigger picture (i.e. Facebook for everyone in the world), because you want to make sure that you enable yourself to grow towards that point. Using Steve Jobs' analogy, it's about anticipating where the dots will be. Or as Wayne Gretzky puts ...
First and foremost you need to look at all ways to fund your start-up not just outside investment. How far can you bootstrap your start-up and self fund? Are their ways to get your first clients to fund development for in return for free life-time use etc. If this is not possible then you move...
How about 'getting the word out' by talking about your startup and app on podcasts. You can start with my daily show called The App Guy Podcast. Subscribe On iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/the-app-guy/id771670010?mt=2 then contact me through my website http://TheAppGuy.co
Family & friends. This is where all begins. If they don't trust and believe in you it will be difficult for others to follow.