I have been in a similar situation with a client recently: a startup with a compelling software solution that needs a large partner to develop and bring it the market. We have done a partner selection together where we looked at strategy, value proposition for all parties (what is the win/win/wi...
Yes! I ran a silk-screen printing business when I was 15. It was a great learning experience. Do you ever watch Shark Tank? This episode has all kid/teen entrepreneurs: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/03/12/shark-tank-kids-episode_n_4950983.html Here's a Ted talk check out: https://www.ted...
Hi there. No matter where you are; Kickstarter, gofundme or indiegogo are really good crowdfunding options Take care
I did a quick web search for you and came up with Jeremiah Owyang's blog. I have met him and he's a genius. http://www.web-strategist.com/blog/2009/09/22/checklist-develop-a-successful-advocacy-program/ Should answer all your questions. Re: tracking and measurement I'd say "PR mentions" is a...
I wrote an answer to a similar question today which you can find here: https://clarity.fm/a/2877 The one flaw to your current process is this premise: "Whereas, if I focused on a good idea the whole process of driving success would be easier." This - from my experience - is simply not the case....
If it's just two of you then you need not worry about creating a shareholding agreement. The partnership deed is sufficient enough to cover it in a simplistic way i.e. 50:50 or whatever ratio you two chose. However, if there're going to be numerous co-founders with split of roles and responsibil...
Thanks for your inquiry. We should probably have a quick chat. I have a few questions to better understand your situation, like these (probably others too): Where are you located? Where is the company registered, domiciled? What are your intended financing activities? Where? Have you done a ro...
Recently, I've hit a "tipping point" where I have enough content (blog posts, podcasts, interviews, etc...) that companies now regularly seek me out for advice. "To be known, you must teach" - Nathan Barry After I wrote "This is a web page" (http://justinjackson.ca/words.html) I was contacted b...
I know a few, send me your details and I'll see what I can do to connect you with them.
Hi: Now that you have some experience under your belt, you know what you like and don't like about a relationship with an accountant. You also know more questions to ask before you start your next engagement, such as: * What do you base your fees on? * What do you provide on a monthly basis for y...